Could you recognise a Garden Ant?
Garden ants (Lasius niger), which measure 3-5mm in length, are one of the most commonly encountered species of ant in the United Kingdom. Garden ants only have one queen within the nest and 15-20,000 sterile female workers that spend most of their life outside living in sandy soil and under flagstones. Worker ants actively seek out sugary food stuffs, and once a food source has been identified, the workers will pass some of the food gathered to other workers who will follow the chemical trail to the source.
On warm humid days flying ants are often seen, causing distress to householders and businesses. The swarming ants usually only persist for 2-3 hours and occur between July and August. At this point, male and female sexual forms leave the nest and mate on the wing. After the ants have mated the male dies and the newly impregnated queen rips her wings off and hibernates over winter,+ surviving on the wing muscles for energy. In the spring the queen will awaken from hibernation and begin egg laying.
Ants can spread bacteria from their body onto food, food preparation surfaces and utensils. Ants, due to their relatively small size, can also enter food causing physical contamination.
How to spot a Garden ant infestation.
Large numbers of ants can be observed trailing along floors, work surfaces and to bins.
What to do if you find a Garden ant infestation.
The first thing that you should do is contact GK Pest control services. a professional pest control company that have experience of successfully treating Garden ant infestations. Our qualified and experienced operatives will provide control solutions tailored to the needs of your business, home and the environment.
What NOT to do if you find a Garden ant infestation.
Do not place commercially available insecticidal dusts onto food preparation surfaces, as this will cause chemical contamination to food and food preparation surfaces, and potential poisoning.